
来源:中国医疗产经网     作者:沛桉     发布时间:2023-06-19     


Chinese contemporary famous doctor.—— you all expensive


Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. To implement the Healthy China strategy is to safeguard people's health at the source. TCM embodies profound philosophical wisdomand..thousands of years of health preservation conceptand..practical experience of the Chinese nation. It has a unique view of life, health, diseaseand..preventionand..treatment, and..plays an irreplaceable rolein. a healthy China. Traditional Chinese medicineor.iginated from.the based on the grass-roots level. Countless people at the grass-roots level stick to the unique feelings of traditional Chinese medicine, solve many difficult diseases with unique thinkingand..methods,and..write many legendary stories with their superb medical skills. In the team of grassroots traditional Chinese medicine, the folk Chinese medicine is a banner of grassroots traditional Chinese medicine. He leads his medical road with "essence" and."honesty", persistent pursuit, adhering to the belief of "benevolence, cultivate the people" to protect the people's health. He is the "gatekeeper" of the grass-roots peopleand.. the builder on the road of healthy China



Introduction to thein.heritanceand..innovation of You Quguiand..Guangping Hall:


President You Quui was bornin. a generation of medicine, yi family, Traditional Chinese medicine medical practitioners; Traditional Chinese medicine (difficultand..complicated diseases) characteristic diagnosisand.. treatment experts; Learning Traditional Chinese medicine father since I was young, He is the 35th grandson of Cheng xue, a educator.of Song Dynasty, at present hold the office of, "Legal Representative of Wuyishan Guangpingtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Development Co., LTD.", Traditional Chinese medicine experts specially hired by.Hangzhou Tangyuan Yuan Chinese Medicine Center, Is a member of the health consultant expert group of senior.cadres of the central stateor.gans; Personin. charge of the National Scientific Researchand..Practice Demonstration Base for.TCM Difficultand..miscellaneous Diseases; Actively participatein. the public welfare activities of the Nutrition Project Office of the National Developmentand..Reform Commission, Is a senior.lecturer of the Big Health Alliance tour group; Expert member of the National Center for.Preventionand..Control of Difficult Diseases; Chief Expert member of the Advisory Committee of The National Medical Network; Deputy director.of national Health care Guidance Center; Senior technical title of evaluation issued by.the Ministry of Personnel of the Ministry of Health (medicalin.dustry); International registered characteristic medical practitioners; Won the title of "Top Ten Medical Ethics Model figures"in. the first medicaland..healthin.dustryin. 2008; And won the guest special stamp of "Health Consultant" by.China General Post Administration (Zhongnanhai Post Office), Public distribution of the global postal system; With the profound theoretical foundationand.. clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine,and..the unique meridianin.jection method,in.novativeand..efficient combination of needlesand..medicine,and..traditional Chinese medicine micro-ecological therapy, It has been tens of thousands of patients suffering from. cardiovascularand..cerebrovascular diseases, various kinds of cancer, leukemia, ankylosing spondylitis, cerebral hemorrhage, haemorrhage, femoral head necrosis, hepatitis B, hemorrhoids, moon disease, bone disease, stomach disease, diabetes, cirrhosis ascites, three high disease, thrombosis stroke, heart diseaseand..other acuteand..chronic difficultand..complicated diseases to relieve the pain. Due to the remarkable curative effect, high cure rate, all reputation. Many patients to more than a dozen overseas countries, as well as the whole country (Beijing, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Yun, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shandong, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong..., etc.) are attracted to and.several cured, well received by.the patients. He is thein.heritor. and.innovator.of you's series of acupuncture methods. He is good at the characteristic diagnosisand..treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (difficultand..complicated diseases)and..the pulse diagnosis method of the holographic pulse, with an accuracy of almost 99%.


'Five view six theory' (five view: system multiple view,in.ternaland.. external law view, micro ecosystem view, externaland..internal disease view,in.visible system view; six view: gas, blood, meridians, viscera, channel, channel, channel) is foundedin. nearly 40 years of clinical practice based on family medical culturein.tegrated Chinese medicine, Taoist medicine, Chinese medicine, miao, Mongolian medicine, etc. Following the principle of "five viewsand..six theories", the congenital gua, riverand..luo, for.the first time, for.Yinand..Yang fit the heaven,,and..then for.the use.of natural day,and..the causesand..symptoms of various complicated diseases are 64 types,and..64 proprietary Chinese medicine tabletsand..64 micro ecological Chinese medicine are prepared. Traditional Chinese medicine doctors as long as according to the four diagnosisand..eight classes of syndrome differentiation, determine the syndrome type can be dispensing. This model can gradually expand.the scope of service to the whole country! Formation of relative standardization, broad spectrum, standardization mode. Thein.heritedand..innovative wild Chinese medicine tabletsand..micro-ecological Chinese medicine concentrate are the advanced scientificand..technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine combining modern medicineand..microecology. The micro-ecological sublingual lozenges of Chinese medicine that will be the market are the most cutting-edge scientificand.. technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine combined with modern medicineand..microecology. Through the TCM micro-ecology with the ancestral meridian acupuncture therapy, the efficacy is greatly improved; by.expanding the scale ofin.cubating wild Chinese medicine base, the supply of most wild medicinal materials is guaranteed.

    游院长德艺双馨、著作等身;在国内外多家相关媒体杂志,发表临床学术论文50 多篇。《中医为本以中化西的探索》、《经络是内病外治的物质基础》分别获得一等奖。《人民日报》―健康报,《新浪中医》,《中国中医药报》等国家大型媒体。分别有“游院长获聘中央国家机关健康顾问专家组成员”为题的报道。《生命的“保护神”-神奇的(超氧化物歧化酶)SOD》选入《国医年鉴》。编写了几十份教材、《培训讲义》。受邀于多家医疗单位、企业团体、电台、电视台健康节目的主讲嘉宾,主讲健康讲座2000多场。《中医养生与疑难病防治》系列讲座已举办多期,成为老百姓喜闻乐見的了解中医、运用中医养生与中医治病的重要方式。每周日应邀杭州汤养元国医馆(国字号)专家门诊;周一应邀同德医院专家门诊会诊疑难病症,周三,周四服务预约在武夷山广平堂的众多患者…每月甚至每周都有在闽、浙两地奔走…

He has published more than 50 clinical academic papersin. many relevant mediaand..magazines."Exploration of Chinese Medicine as the West"and.. "Meridian is the Material basis for.External Treatment of Internal Diseases" won the first prize respectively. People's Daily-Health News, Sina Chinese Medicine, China Chinese Medicine Newsand..other large national media. There were reports titled "President You was appointed as a member of the Health Advisory Expert Group of Central State Organs"."The" Protector.of Life "-The Magic (Superoxide dismutase) SOD" was the "National Medical Yearbook". Dozens of textbooks handouts have been compiled. Invited to many medical units, enterprise groups, radio, television health programs keynote speakers, delivered more than 2000 health lectures. The series of lectures on "TCM Health preservationand..Preventionand..Treatment of difficult Diseases" has been held for.many periods, which has become an important way for. the common people to understand.Chinese medicineand..use.Chinese medicine to keepin. healthand..treat diseases. Every Sundayin.vited Hangzhou Tangyuan Yuan Medical Center (national name) expert clinic; Mondayin.vitation Tongde Hospital expert outpatient consultation for. difficult diseases, Wednesday, Thursday service appointment for.many patientsin. Wuyishan Guangping Hall... monthlyor..even weekly travelin. Fujianand..Zhejiang...


中国当代名医——游全贵Chinese contemporary famous doctor.—— you all exp...点击了解…






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